Wednesday 4 February 2015

Has Aditya Pancholi Written A Book On His Relationship With Kangana?

We all know that there was a time when Kangana Ranaut dated Aditya Pancholi. And now, apparently Aditya has written a book which will talk about his relationship with the actress.

A source said, “It's going to be a sensational account of a relationship that nearly tore his family life apart. The story won't see him in a confessional mode. Instead, it will be written in third person and readers can consider it to be fact or fiction. But those familiar with the actor's history will easily figure out who the 'significant other' in his account is.”

Talking about the book, Aditya just said, “I can't speak about the book. I've signed an NDA (non-disclosure agreement).”

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