Tuesday 3 February 2015

Did you know Salman Khan had planned to sue AIB?

Yes, you heard that right! But then why no legal action was taken by the Being Human star? Read on to know full story…

Just a while back, we told you how contrary to the reports Salman Khan never threatened the All India Bakchod (AIB) team . Yes, he was pissed at the fact that they cracked few jokes on his family members at the AIB Knockout – The Roast of Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor. But the Bajrangi Bhaijaan actor didn’t terrorize the guys who came up with the roast. While all this is out in the open now, here’s something we bet you didn’t know.

Salman was initially planning to sue AIB for dolling out gags on his loved ones, who weren’t even present at the venue. Even his close aides encouraged him to do so. However, Khan’s family felt that taking legal action would only blow the situation out of proportion and get the family into unnecessary controversy. In a bid to avoid uncalled for attention they then ditched the whole idea.

Also, since the Shhuddhi actor is already dealing with his own court cases his khandaan thought it would be better to not go the legal way. That’s why Salman dropped his plan to sue AIB. But, he did speak to the members of All India Bakchod and cleared things out, as we reported earlier.

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