Thursday 29 January 2015

Shahrukh Khan Is The First Indian To Use Video Tweeting

Twitter has come up with a new feature in which you can capture, edit and share videos on the application. And King Khan of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan, is the first Indian to do the first video tweet.

In a statement SRK said, “There’s always a scope to go one step ahead where technology is concerned. I am always very happy to take that if it gets me closer to all the people around the world who gives me so much love and support.” 

“Twitter has always come up with some very interesting features and I am very glad that they look into the suggestions made to them as well. This Mobile Video Camera of Twitter is something I am definitely going to enjoy using often,” the superstar added. 

In the video tweet, SRK said, “Hi everybody, I think this is really cool that now I can video you guys or talk to you on video on Twitter for 30 seconds. So I am going to send you videos or shots from where I am working, where I am rehearsing or otherwise. See you guys soon, I think this is really cool. Bubye.”

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