Tuesday 27 January 2015

After Deepika Padukone, now Juhi Chawla angry on TOI

After Deepika Padukone, Juhi Chawla shows her anger on The Times Of India. While we thought the TOI and Deepika Padukone saga did teach a mighty lesson to one of india’s most leading publication, that’s not the case as yet again they have been caught in by Juhi Chawal for yet again a very disrespectful act on the front page of their newspaper. Bollywood actress is annoyed with TOI for the same and took to micro-blogging site Twitter to express her anger towards the popular newspaper.


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This is the front page of a reputed leading newspaper ..???? .... Where are we going .... Is money everything ......
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 In the tweet, Juhi Chawla also mentioned that she is likely to cancel the subscription of TOI, thanks to the bold front cover page.

  Juhi Chawla         @iam_juhi
'Be the change you want to see ' Mahatma gandhi.. I think I'll cancel my subscription of TOI ...

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